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Previous Research

Welcome to my projects page! Check out some of the previous research projects I have carried out and feel free to reach out to me if you want more information on any of them.



Mapping American Chestnut Species Distribution in Pennsylvania

This is my undergraduate senior thesis, using species distribution modeling to better understand American chestnut habitat in Pennsylvania to aid restoration projects. This research won a 2022 Falvey award and resulted in two peer-reviewed publications.

Henderson, A., Santoro, J. A., & Kremer, P. (2022). Ensemble Modeling for American Chestnut Distribution: Locating Potential Restoration Sites in Pennsylvania. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 795.

Henderson, A. F., Santoro, J. A., & Kremer, P. (2023). Impacts of spatial scale and resolution on species distribution models of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in Pennsylvania, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 529, 120741.


Mapping Large Mammal Movement at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge

This is my research project from my time working at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge as a part of an NSF REU with the University of New Mexico. For this project I analyzed an extensive camera trap database and carried out field work to determine habitat and movement patterns of large mammals living on the refuge



Determining Gray Wolf Habitat Suitability in Pennsylvania

This is my final project for my class "GIS for Conservation Management." In this project, I assess the landscape of Pennsylvania for its potential to sustain a theoretical reintroduced population of gray wolves.


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